Japanese-style restaurant SUGIZEN – a very satisfying lunch by the owner, who trained at a Kyoto ryotei (traditional Japanese restaurant).

Looking for a good lunch today, I turned off Teramachi-dori and onto Nijo-dori,

You will find a restaurant with the appearance of a fashionable café, even though it is Japanese food.

It is conveniently located about a five-minute walk from Kyoto Shiyakusho Mae Station.


The name of the shop is first of all in English lol. The logo of the shop, which is shaped like a leaf, is also completely café lol.

I wonder what they are trying to do lol. But when you look at the lunch menu, it’s completely Japanese food.

The most expensive ‘SUGIZEN Gozen’, 1,800 yen.

Lunch beef curry udon set, 980 yen.

SUGIZEN set meal 850 yen

Hm. There is no problem with the price. Yes, let’s go in.


The interior of the restaurant is calm. It has a nice, slightly grown-up feel to it.

Chic atmosphere and very clean. It is very well cleaned.

I have a feeling that this is a good restaurant.


The crockery has a nice atmosphere. This is a night, izakaya style, but it’s hardly just a izakaya.

The night menu at the counter is not just ordinary.

Sword tip squid with konawata, sea bream milt with ponzu sauce and grilled milt,

Hotaru squid and fresh onion nabe, grilled young ayu fish, and much more.

This is apparently a Japanese chef’s menu. And the price is not so high. It looks like a good night out.

And when I Googled around, I found out that he trained at the famous Kyoto ryotei restaurant Tankuma.

No wonder. It’s wonderful that someone with that kind of skill can serve it at this price.


Now for the lunch menu, we decided on the SUGIZEN set meal for 850 yen!

This was already decided by the sign outside.

Because look at the volume!

One, stewed tofu hamburger steak

Two, fried white fish meat with tartar sauce

three, boiled spinach with sesame sauce

four, Ume plum salad with satoimo

And lots of side dishes.

What’s more, there are two main dishes, a hamburger steak and fried white fish meat!

This is a must for hard-working office workers!

This volume overturns the definition of a small lunch in Kyoto. I’m grateful for this.

And by a Japanese chef trained at a famous ryotei restaurant! And at 850 yen, it’s cheap!

This is a lunch worth having.


You can gobble up the rice with just the fried white fish meat.

This tartar sauce is a pain in the ass at home, so I rarely make it, so I’m happy when it’s served at a restaurant.

The crispy, crunchy texture of the fried food does not betray expectations.

The hamburger steak is also made from tofu, so it tastes like Japanese food. The sauce is also a bit like Japanese food.

It may contain dashi (Japanese soup stock).

The ume (plum) salad is refreshing, and the acidity and stickiness of the satoimo make a good match,

The boiled spinach has a somewhat ryotei (Japanese-style restaurant) flavour, which is a real difference from home-cooked food.

The miso soup was also good. The dashi broth is made from Rishiri kelp and bonito.

As you would expect from a Japanese chef.


This is one of the best value for money in this area.

It’s good, isn’t it?

You can eat with gusto, and the taste is good too, but at a reasonable price,

I recommend it to those who are selfish and want to eat with gusto at a reasonable price.


Japanese Restaurant SUGIZEN
Yamakawa Bldg 1F, 443 Yamamoto-cho, Nijo-dori Teramachi-nishiiru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto


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